November 18, 2019 By 0 Comments
The culture of NATA Coaching in Calicut is quite prevalent. And that is because there are a lot of NATA aspirants in and around Calicut Town, basically, the Malabar region. Well, if you are familiar with NATA procedures, you know what to do for preparation.
But, if you are new to this whole concept of NATA Coaching, then, my friend, there are things you need to know!
Here is the deal with NATA- last year itself, about 40,000 candidates (roughly) appeared for the exam. So, does that give you an idea about the scale of things?
Out of these many candidates, some smoothly cleared the exam. In fact, these candidates landed seats in the best architecture colleges across the country. All on merit. Additionally, some of them got scholarships also- which was a big relief to many, since the course can be pretty expensive.
Then, there were others who had to be content with what they got- since getting admission was more important. Moreover, their scores meant limited choices.
Now, there are many types of students- some born talented, but lazy. Some are hardworking, but low on talent. Some  others are easy- going, but they need a push. And that push brings their talents out!
So, this is where NATA coaching comes into the picture! There are many coaching centers all over the country, but many of the prominent ones are in Kerala. And NATA Coaching in Calicut is quite up on the list!

NATA Coaching in Calicut : Best NATA Coaching Centers

NATA Coaching in Calicut is not new; in fact it has been around for two decades now. Now, the first NATA Coaching in Calicut , in fact, in the Malabar region, was offered at NATA Coaching Centre, Pavamani Road, in Calicut. And it is this very Center that has bagged numerous NATA rank holders over the years.



With premium training under the best subject experts, NATA coaching is an intensive experience. Right from holding the pencil properly, to drawing the correct lines, to mastering perspectives- you learn it all.

But how do you screen out the center that provides the best NATA Coaching in Calicut?

Simple- search and research! Search about them- their alumni, their market value, their success rates etc. Out of these, interacting with the alumni gives a more realistic idea about them.

Also, in this digital era, a website is one of the best ways to track their success rates. So, what you need to do is, visit their website and learn more about them.

Why should I enroll for NATA coaching in Calicut?

Most programs under NATA coaching in Calicut are of two types- long term (one year) and crash course (one month). Now, depending on your aptitude and many other factors, you will enroll for one of these formats. Ultimately, what you need to achieve are the following:

  • mastering time management ;

  • improving mathematical aptitude;

  • mastering sketching and rendering techniques;

  • understanding different perspective points ;

  • better visualization ability ;

  • idea about architecture and famous monuments/ cities; and

  • knowledge about building materials and components.



Interestingly, NATA Coaching in Calicut has an additional advantage. The fact that Calicut, as a city, is so rich in architectural history and scenic landscapes and beaches- is a big plus for sure!

Therefore, you get a lot of freehand sketching sessions- real time! And that too under the guidance of some of the best sketching experts in the region.

NATA Coaching also makes you undergo rigorous mathematical training- it is another important part of the entrance test. Also, since time management is crucial, you need to learn it well. And with numerous mock tests, NATA Coaching gives you that extra edge. After all, it is all about the little details that make the big picture!

You know,architecture is a five year long course. Five productive years of your life, that you commit to an amazing profession. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to begin your stint with a strong foundation? Wouldn’t it be amazing to save time by mastering sketching & rendering skills and learning new things meanwhile?

That is exactly why they say that a stitch in time saves nine. With the correct NATA coaching, not only do you crack the entrance exam, but also are all the more prepared to venture into the fascinating world of architecture!