NATA Result 2019 : All about NATA exam
NATA Result 2019- What is NATA?
NATA stands for National Aptitude Test in Architecture. Which is basically a mandatory aptitude test by the Council of Architecture (CoA) for Architectural aspirants across India. Before we talk about NATA Result 2019, it is important to know how this year marks a milestone in NATA examination pattern.
To begin with, the CoA is conducting the NATA examination not once, but twice for the year 2019. And to have a clear understanding of what this examination is all about, read on.
NATA Examination 2019
If you want to pursue B.Arch in India, you have to appear for and clear NATA. Also, this rule extends to admission across ALL architecture colleges, be it government or private.
Usually the general pattern is a once-a-year examination. However, this year registrations are open for two examination sessions- one in April 2019, another in July 2019. And the exam takes place in two parts- Part A for one hour (10:00 AM to 11:00 AM) and Part B for 1 hour 45 minutes (11:15AM to 1:00PM).
Part A contains multiple choice questions from various aspects of Mathematics and General Aptitude. Whereas Part-B contains questions pertaining to pencil, paper and drawing skills.
You will attempt Part-A online and Part-B manually, on an A-4 size paper. The total number of questions in Part A is 60 (20- Mathematics & 40- general aptitude). Each question carries 2 marks, thus totalling to 120 marks. In part-B , there are 2 questonf of 40 marks each, thus totalling to 80 marks.
NATA Results 2019: What can I expect?
Now, the first session of NATA for 2019 was conducted on 14th April,2019. NATA Result 2019 are going to be interesting since the following changes have been made this year.
NATA examination twice this year
60 minutes for Part-A and the remaining time for Part-B
Candidates who appear for both sessions this year will have a composite score card- the best of both scores.
Registration for the second session (tentatively on 7th July,2019) is open currently.
Here, the good thing about NATA Result 2019 is, there is no negative marking. However, in case of tie-breaking, one wrong answer may impact your score!
And if you are still wondering about whether your first attempt went in your favour or not, don’t worry. Simply click answer key for April 2019 NATA examination.
NATA Result 2019: How can I improve my chances?
Here is the secret to your perfect score- Study, prepare and practice! There are so many good coaching centres all over India and that actually gives you ample scope to figure it out.
NATA Result 2019 depends on your overall attempt. The mathematics section may contain questions from matrices, algebra, logarithms, Cordinate geometry, geometry, calculus, permutation & combination and more.
On the other hand, the general aptitude section contains questions from mathematical reasoning, architecture and building construction materials, visual texture, analytical reasoning, mental ability,interpretation of pictorial compositions and more.
For a better chance at your NATA Result 2019, practice your drawing skills thoroughly. the questions aim at testing your aptitude at scale, proportion, perspective, element, color sense, design aesthetics, texture etc.
Also, you may be asked to sketch furniture, everyday objects, their view at different angles, light & shadow effects over visualizing etc. But don’t think that landscapes don’t matter. The aptitude test is also about your memory skills and ability to put things on paper with precision.
The NATA Result 2019 for April,2019 session is scheduled to be declared on 3rd May,2019. And the registration for the second attempt closes by 12th June,2019 (tentatively). So, hurry up to have a better chance at your ideal score for NATA Result 2019.